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Jr. CNY STEM Workshops

Ages 4.5 - 7

This Chinese New Year holidays, our team has created 2 brand new themed 1-day workshops for our students in the younger age group, where they will be engineering mechanical striker with simple machines to participate in a mini World Cup match, and also learning how to use Scratch Jr. to create stickers that can be exported to WhatsApp!

2 Topics to choose from:

1. World Cup Striker

The World Cup is just about to begin at The Genius Workshop. Build your unique Engineering-Striker to represent your country and participate in this one-day special STEM program! 


2. Scratch Sticker Designer

Ever wanted to create some unique WhatsApp stickers? Learn to use Scratch Jr. to create your very own stickers and learn how to turn them into WhatsApp Stickers this Chinese New Year!

Skills trained through this program:
Schedule & Format






Course Fee:







Enrol by topic

1hr 30mins  per class




One Topic: $500 (regular)/$450 (member)

Two Topics: $930 (regular)/ $830 (member)


Please refer to below for each topic:

World Cup Striker

Time: 9:00am - 10:30am

Happy Valley Center
1. January 19, 2023
2. January 26, 2023

Taikoo Center
1. January 20, 2023
2. January 27, 2023

Scratch Sticker

Time: 9:00am - 10:30am

Happy Valley Center
1. January 20, 2023
2. January 27, 2023

Taikoo Center
1. January 19, 2023
2. January 26, 2023


Experience TGW

Come see why The Genius Workshop is trusted by the top schools and parents in Hong Kong. Try once before you enrol!

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Equip the latest Tech and STEM knowledge this CNY!
1-Day CNY-Themed Workshops with flexible Schedule
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