Mario x Sonic Scratch Jr.
Ages 4.5 - 7
Go on a memorable coding adventure with Mario and Sonic!
With Scratch Jr as the learning platform, with their favourite Mario and Sonic, students will learn coding logics with age-appropriate teaching methods, by creating animations, stories and more!
Program Highlights
Learn the foundational coding logics with Scratch Jr.
Create various types of games using your favourite Mario and Sonic characters
Plan and code an unique animation with you very own story about Mario and Sonic
Play Mario and Sonic-themed group activities with classmates!
Skills trained through this program:
Schedule & Format
Course Fees
5 days per week
1hr 30mins per class
Please refer to below for each center:
(5-Day Week) Regular HK$2,780 | Members HK$2,480
(4-Day Week) Regular HK$2,180 | Members HK$1,980